The header shows users:
- that they are using a Government service or product
- which domain they are on, GOV.UK, a Land Registry external service, or a staff system
- which service or product they are using
If you use the page template, you’ll also get the header without having to add it, as it’s included by default.
The Land Registry header is complementary to the GOV.UK header so that users are reassured they are working with a Government department, and can use the familiar conventions they have learnt from interacting with the UK Government.
<header class="govuk-header govuk-header--hmlr " role="banner" data-module="govuk-header">
<div class="govuk-header__container govuk-width-container">
<div class="govuk-header__content govuk-header__content--hmlr">
<a href="#" class="govuk-header__link govuk-header__service-name">
Service name
{% from "hmlr/components/header/macro.njk" import hmlrHeader %}
{{ hmlrHeader({
serviceName: "Service name",
serviceUrl: "#"
}) }}
When to use this component
GOV.UK header
You must use the GOV.UK header at the top of every page if your service is being hosted on one of these domains:
- gov.uk/myservice
- myservice.service.gov.uk
- myblog.blog.gov.uk
Land Registry header
You must use the Land Registry Government header at the top of every page if your service is being provided:
- as a public or professional user service, but is not hosted on a gov domain
- is for staff
The header can expand to the full width of the page.
<header class="govuk-header govuk-header--hmlr " role="banner" data-module="govuk-header">
<div class="govuk-header__container govuk-header__container--full-width">
<div class="govuk-header__content govuk-header__content--hmlr">
<span class="govuk-header__service-name">
Service name
{% from "hmlr/components/header/macro.njk" import hmlrHeader %}
{{ hmlrHeader({
serviceName: "Service name",
containerClasses: "govuk-header__container--full-width"
}) }}
How it works
The Land Registry header works exactly the same as the GOV.UK header, but replaces the GOV.UK specific content. The Crown, Transport font and GOV.UK border colour are replaced.
This is the first version of the Land Registry header. It’s a simpler version than the GOV.UK header.
If you need to extend its use, you should extend it in the same was as the GOV.UK header is used.
Help improve this component
If you spot a problem with this guidance you can propose a change.
If you’re not sure how to do this, read guidance on how to propose changes in GitHub.
Need help?
If you’ve got a question about the HM Land Registry Design System, contact the team.